Saturday, January 3, 2009

All of Life

All of life .. everything in the great web of life .. is interconnected.

Our individual health and happiness is not separate from the health and happiness that others seek.

Our individual inner strength and spiritual wisdom affect the world outside us, just as the innter strengths and spiritual wisdom of others affect us.

Earth, air, fire, water .. all .. we are totally dependent on these forces of nature. For it is these forces which constantly supply the nourishment we need. If these forces, within us, are weak, we will not achieve health or happiness.

In the same way, there is a collective intelligence, and if this collective pool of intelligence is undernourished, then our individual intelligence becomes confused and disoriented.

The best way to help yourself is to keep nature healthy and strong, for we are an integral part of it.

Om Peace!
Yogini Valarie Devi

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