Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yoga Therapy

Largely unknown in the West, Yoga Body Therapy combines deep tissue massage with coordinated breathing and Yoga stretching.

Your Yoga teacher, Valarie Devi, has spent most of her life studying Yoga and traveling the world studying the art of Yoga Body Therapy. Recently returned from India with the intention of sharing both Yoga and Yoga Body Therapy, I am exciting about sharing the deeper and more lasting benefits that I have learned.

Through both Yoga and Yoga Body Therapy, the goal is to bring the body back to a place of harmony. I have been a student of many Yoga forms since childhood, and can honestly say that Yoga and Yoga Body Therapy are the most comprehensive and intelligent ways to approach the body.

By weaving together ancient wisdom into a modern practice, a comprehensive and practical form emerges. Something similar to martial arts, when one studies and closely adheres to a form, there is freedom. Freedom within form.

Hamsa Yogashala offers daily evening classes for students to learn the framework and skills of a personal holistic Yoga practice. For each class is an immersion into the enriching experience of Yoga.

I have created a Yoga program that aims to heal from the earth up. A practice that weaves together the vital organs, the bones and muscles, with the breath, to create ease within the mind. For when the body and mind are in harmony, the energy or spirit of purity, flows naturally.

The goal of Hamsa Yogashala is to create and hold that sacred space for the student to heal them self.

Om Peace!
Valarie Devi

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