Friday, July 18, 2008


Maya. That means "change" or "changability".

Maya Shakti, the 'power of change' is a veil of illusion; and that illusion is that 'everything stays the same'. Not us, not anyone or anything we know. To think that someone cannot change is ignorance. To think that we are beyond change is ignorance.

Yoga helps us move past ignorance so that we can understand and embrace our true nature. The human body is composed of countless elements, from cells to peptides. The human body is in a constant state of change-maya.

We are divine. The Self within is the very dust of creation. Modern science and ancient wisdom agree that there exists a single primordial substance to which all forms can be reduced. This is the dust of creation. The cosmic particles the dance together and seperate - in ever different patterns - taking delight in its ability to change!

Om Peace!
Valarie Devi

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